The return of show season – Dubshed 2014 – Day 1

Dubshed 2014_martybolf

Well it’s that time of year again, show season is upon us, with power lances and polish at the ready it’s the time of year when we travel the length and breadth of the country to park our cars so that people can pay to come and stare at them while we go stare at theirs and then compare.

For non-car people this is quite an unusual practice, though for car folk this is standard protocol and if you think about it, it’s no stranger than paying to see 22 men chase a leather sphere around a field in their shorts for an hour and a half.


This year I kicked my show season off with Dubshed 2014 at Kings Hall in Belfast. For anyone that’s unfamiliar with Dubshed, it’s primarily a VW show, though more often than not you will see other marques present and personally (some purists might disagree) I think this a good thing, after all variety is the spice of life!

This year, the first day of the show differed from last year in the sense that the day one was more of a set up day, and the number of cars present on the “Preview Day” was far less compared to the same day last year. (Pics of 2013 Dubshed can be found here  ).

However, after speaking to quite a few people today it seems that most are leaving it until day two before making the journey. Despite the fact there weren’t as many cars there this year on day one, I still had a great day out and it has to be said the quality of cars there this year was just as good if not better than last last year.

The time, money and dedication put into the cars on display never fails to amaze me and it really is great to see people enjoy their shared love and passion for cars and car culture.
Anyway, here is my gallery from day one of Dubshed, I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for more.

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