Man breaks the world parking record

Still from the video of the world parking record
Still from the video of the world parking record

If you think you’re good at parking, then maybe it’s time to think again. While a lot of people stuggle with standard parallel parking, China’s Han Yue is able to slide his Mini into a space just 8cm longer than his car.

Yue originally set the record in 2012 when he squeezed into a space just 15cm longer than the car but was beaten a year later by British rival Alistair Moffatt, who slid into a gap with just 8.6cm of room left.

Not happy with losing his initial record, Yue decided it was time to have another go at last week’s China Drift Championship.
Moffatt’s supposedly unbeatable record was smashed as Yue was able to park his Mini Cooper S into a space with just 8cm to spare.

To put this into perspective, an iPhone 5 is 12.38cm long, which shows just how little wiggle room there really is. Bravo Mr Yue.
Lets just hope he remembered to display his permit!